Clinical Development Consultants, L.L.C.

Efficient Clinical Development
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We offer services in multiple areas at reasonable rates that will help meet your fiscal needs.

Areas that we may be of service to you include:

Therapeutic Areas
    Cardiac Disease
         • Arrhythmias
         • Hypertension
         • Atherosclerosis
    Inflammation 
         • Rheumatoid Arthritis
         • Osteoarthritis
    Oncology
         • Chemotherapy-induced emesis
    Women’s Health
         • Osteoporosis
         • Women’s Cardiovascular
    Nutraceuticals
Clinical Trials
    Phases I through IV
    Planning, advising and writing of clinical protocols 
         • Study design
         • Comparator, Placebo, Open Label, etc.
         • Parallel, Crossover
    Sites 
         • Identification and evaluation criteria
         • Site initiation
         • Site Aids
    Investigators’ Meeting logistics, design and presentations
         • Critical acclaim
               - Thorough
               - Accurate
               - Ingenious
    Study dynamics and tracking: Faster, more accurate
         • Electronic Data Capture 
         • Telerandomization 
         • Design of Case Report Forms, Informed Consent Documents, Support Documents and Aids
    Adverse Event and Serious Adverse Event evaluation and decisions
Strategic planning of clinical programs and protocols
    Life-cycle management
    Planning of appropriate trials for Go/No Go decisions early
    Program / project planning and management
    Drug Supply Issues
    Regulatory input
         • Supplying medical efficacy and safety data for NDA submissions
Cross Functional expertise within Matrix Organization
    Preparation of database 
    Final roll out for Clinical Study Reports (CSR) and publications
    SAP
    Marketing and Sales force
    OR
    Writing
    International support
    Publications
Insight into dealing with critical “in-process” situations
Cross Functional Relationships
    Communication
    Respect for Diversity
    Medical Professionalism
    Teamwork
         • When the team succeeds, everyone looks good, not just one individual
         • Communication
International Study Implementation
    Steering Committee 
    Advisory Committees
    Communication
    International Uniqueness
    Manuscripts
    Abstracts
    Congress presentations
    Postings: Federal web requirements 
Investigator Initiated Research
    Strategic alignment
Commercial Needs / Review Committee
    Studies
    Sales force presentations
         • Correct Data Evaluation
         • DTC - DDMAC
    Continuing Medical Education Presentations
    Package Insert 
    Congress Booth poster presentations
Scientific Liaison preparations (MSL)
    Doctor-to-Doctor presentation kits for:
         • Cardiovascular
         • Rheumatology
         • Women’s Health (CV specific)
Outcomes Research initiatives
    Major Support in phase IV
    Create critical real world, phase IV data
Advisory Board and speaker training preparation and presentation
Key Opinion Leader initiation and enhancement
Bringing the plan or new ideas to the table and beyond
    Research the proposal
    Play it out / sounding board
    Re-research the proposal
    Be ready to take it up the ladder
Presentation skills
    Evaluation above average